Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Beginner Guitar Lesson #6 - Eighth Note Rhythm

Hi there! Till this lesson, we have used rhythms that follow a quarter note pulse. It is counted 1 2 3 4.
The quarter note becomes an eighth when halved.

Eighth Note

In terms of time, a quarter note is the equivalent of two eighth notes.
By halving the quarter note pulse we can make an eighth note pulse. It is countered like this: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +

Today, you will also learn to play the F major chord. The F major chord requires you to hold down the first and second strings with your first finger. You will need to play these strings with the flat of your finger rather than the tip.


You have great exercises for the F major chord on Jamorama. They have great video lessons where you can learn to play the F major chord in a standard quarter note strum, and in an eighth note strum pattern.

Try also to play the F major chord in a turnaround progression. At first it will be hard, but don't worry! A little practice each day will improve your new skill.

The Chromatic Scale

The Chromatic Scale is based around the seven notes of the musical alphabet (A, B, C, D, E, F and G), however, it contains a few extra musical notes.

The chromatic scale

As you see, some of the notes in the chromatic scale have two note names. These notes are called accidentals. They can either be sharp notes, in which case we use the symbol #, or flat notes, in which case we use the symbol b.

Keep rockin',


  1. Thanks for the Eight Note Rhythm Lessons.
    As I am a beginner it helped me a lot

  2. Hey very cool site for beginners. I have a site for more advanced players, and would like to link to this site to provide my readers with some more foundational lessons. check it out at The Everyday Guitarist

    Leave a comment with a link back to your site if you wanna trade links. Thanks. Keep rocking.
